Junior Ghostbusters

Meet our Junior Ghostbusters



The first member of the Junior Division and Holtzmann nut to the max.


She has been doing her homework and has watches the movies back to back (including the 2016 Extended) and is now "Training" with Ghostbusters the Video Game. 


Expect this rookie to show up at conventions and events soon! 



Big fan of Ghostbusters and a supporter (along with his parents) of the GBDD


When he heard about the chance to join the Junior Division he jumped in and was ready to believe you.


He already has his own suit and proton pack (thanks Dad) which we have promised to pimp up with some lights soon.

Demian combines classic GB and Reboot and we are happy to have him on board 


Oh and his presentation about Ghostbusters at school was a huge succes!



During this year's Dutch Comic Con (March 2017) Kenji visited our stand and got some GB themed make up. He immediately was into Ghostbusters and when his big sister Dana told him that there was an opening in the Junior Division, he jumped at the chance to join in.


His mom is working on an awesome reboot suit and we are happy to welcome him aboard.